7 Striking Reminders About How To Promote Your App

Let’s make it clear from the start. We all meet here almost every day for a reason. We all know the importance of app marketing, right? Well, for those who just discovered our blog we will leave below the most convincing image of all. If you want to find the right path through these overcrowded app markets there are a few things you should bear in mind. First of all, remember to consider app promotion for the sake of your app. Next, you must know that some vital factors will influence your strategy no matter how much money you have or how great is your app.

7 Striking Reminders About How To Promote Your App

Write all these main ideas on a paper and stick it above your desk so you can observe them every time you wonder what to do for the success of your app.

Ad Fraud Is Real, You Should Be On The Watch Constantly!

Let’s start with the most dangerous phenomenon of all: Ad Fraud. We invite you to read (again) the impressive report published by Tune in order to understand the huge problems created by the fact that too many criminal minds are trying to hurt your business. If you are aware about the risks of losing money and potential customers you will find solutions to stay away from those illegal attacks.

Image Source: https://www.tune.com/blog/mobile-ad-fraud-24-billion-clicks-700-ad-networks-reveals/

Benefitting From Analytics Will Be Steering You Upwards, Realize!

Before going further with our marketing advices we need to remind you the importance of data. When you build your app you must know that it behaves properly. App performance analytics help you monitor what happens inside your creation, from errors to user experience. You have to make sure that your app doesn’t crash in users’ hands. Next, you need to discover your customers’ preferences, so A/B testing becomes mandatory. Above all that, we also have to mention marketing tools  which gives you all the necessary data for optimizing your campaign. Without this information you won’t be able to keep track of your efforts.

Image Source: http://www.businessofapps.com/guide/app-analytics/

Keywords Do Matter!

After launching the app you need to attract users. At this point you should focus your efforts on increasing your app’s visibility. Keywords will help you a lot. You have to study the trends because this domain is very dynamic. What works now won’t work anymore after a while. Make sure that you add only the most relevant ones inside your app store page and don’t forget about your app landing page (because you have one, don’t you?).

Image Source: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/5-myths-about-aso/

Mobile Users Download Too Many Apps, Yet They Don’t Revisit All Of Them!

Now that you have your first users, what is the problem? That is right; most of them don’t even use your app. Or even worse, they already uninstalled it. Do you remember the recent report published by Marketing Land which reveals that half of digital media time is spent within five mobile apps? Trying to attract only users with high lifetime value is the solution to minimize churn rate. You know the secret for a sustainable app growth: consider user acquisition and user retention for creating a complex strategy. Browse through our blog and you will find plenty of articles which will help you to solve any issue that may keep you far from reaching the wanted results.

Usage Of Social Channels Is A Must – Have!

It is a sure fact that people use social networks for one reason or another. For all app owners we want to emphasize the following aspect: social channels are a permanent source of loyal users. Whether you choose to pay for ads provided by these platforms or you just want to remain connected with your users you can take advantage of the opportunities offered by social media marketing. We need to add just three more things:

  • pay attention to this technique before developing your app;
  • find your customers’ favorite channels;
  • study the guidelines and play by their rules;

Quality Images Or Elaborated Texts Won’t Be Sufficient, If You Don’t Create An Impressive Video!

Lately, everybody talks about the efficiency of video format for mobile app promotion. And it makes sense, because a well-designed clip has the power to engage users more than anything else. You can find our tutorials in Mobile Video Advertising, a special directory created for this purpose. But don’t forget about App Samurai Solution for increasing the number of your loyal users. Of course, interesting content and relevant pictures come with their own benefits but the attention span on mobile is decreasing and people don’t want to read novels for understanding how your app operates, after all. As an observation, if all ads would be like June, the video created by John Kahrs (yes, the Oscar Award Winner!) for Lyft app then all ad blockers would be history by now.

Image Source: https://medium.com/@johnzimmer/introducing-june-a-short-film-inspired-by-the-lyft-community-aa38613e0bff

To Remain On The Market, You Should Make Yourself Acquainted With Updated Information!

Everything we said before is essential for a smart marketing strategy but, you need to keep yourself informed because this is the only way to increase your productivity and profitability in this fast growing industry. Search for all the data required by your business and make sure that you take advantage of the opportunities provided by mobile technology. You can open our blog every weekend if you want to discover the latest news from marketing world (we are here also from Monday to Friday!). Keep in mind to remain connected with experts in your field and to attend tech events. Whatever you do, don’t waste your chances to receive insights which can become very handy when you want to promote your app.


On App Samurai Blog we like to present you the most efficient strategies which will bring you the wanted results. But a few key elements will always have an important role in your plans. For that reason we enumerated above some of the most important takeaways from all techniques described so far. In case you have something to add to our list, feel free to share your thoughts in comments.

App Samurai is an AI-powered, secure mobile growth platform. Register, add your app and start driving high-quality users.